Get to know us

Our mission

Our Buddhist monastery cultivates peace, wisdom, and compassion through practice, teachings, prayers, community, and advocacy for a just and harmonious world

Our vision

To create a harmonious and compassionate world by cultivating inner peace, wisdom, and enlightenment through the practice of Buddhism.

Brief History of Gaden Shartse Gungru Khangtsen Monastery

Following the establishment of Gaden Monastery in 1409 by the esteemed scholar Je Tsongkhapa, his disciples came together to form Khamtsens, which later evolved into Khangtsens. Under this name, Gaden Monastery thrived and earned the reputation of "Gaden sum-tong sum gya" (Gaden three thousand three hundred) due to its large population of Sangha. The monastery consists of sub-units known as Shartse and Jangtse, comprising a combined total of twenty-three Khangtsens.

Among these twenty-three Khangtsens, Gungru Khangtsen is one of the eleven associated with Shartse. It attracts individuals from Sho-ta-lho-sum and various other regions in Tibet, who come to reside in Gungru Khangtsen for spiritual studies. Renowned scholars such as Gen She-ngo-la, Gen Namala, and Geshe Puntsok Gyaltsen have emerged from this Khangtsen. Prior to 1959, Gungru Khangtsen in Tibet had a sangha count of 100, but due to unforeseen circumstances, only eight were able to migrate to India, with six settling in Mundgod. Presently, the Khangtsen provides accommodation and teachings on Buddhism, Mathematics, English, Tibetan Language, Science, rituals, and more to its 30 resident Sanghas.

One of the notable annual events at Gaden Shartse Gungru Khangtsen Monastery is a special two-day prayer ceremony. During this occasion, prayers are offered to the Five Protectors, Gonkar (the white protector of wealth), and extensive prayers to the 21 Chintamani Taras, encompassing various aspects of spiritual devotion.

Get to Know Our Elders

Geshe Lharampa Phuntsok Gayaltsen

Yulting Rinpoche Lobsang Khenrab

Geshe Tenzin Lungtok
Geshe Tashi Dorji